Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Googlehttp://www.rssmicro.com/?q=Google&f=0 Real-time search results for Googleen-usTue, 19 Feb 2013 11:15:49 GMTReal-Time Search Powered by FeedRank?http://www.rssmicro.com/images/rssmicro_logo3.gifhttp://www.rssmicro.com 1440Microsoft's Outlook takes aim at Google's Gmailhttp://www.detroitnews.com/article/20130219/TECHNOLOGY/302190366/1001/rss21 <p><font color="Gray">Source: www.detroitnews.com --- Tuesday, February 19, 2013</font><br />San Francisco &mdash; Microsoft is so confident it has the Internet's best email service that it is about to spend at least $30 million to send its message across the U.S. ...</p>http://www.detroitnews.com/article/20130219/TECHNOLOGY/302190366/1001/rss21Tue, 19 Feb 2013 11:08:37 GMTHow to Sync iPhone Data on iCloud, Google Accounts, and Microsoft Exchangehttp://expertscolumn.com/content/how-sync-iphone-data-icloud-google-accounts-and-microsoft-exchange <p><font color="Gray">Source: expertscolumn.com --- Tuesday, February 19, 2013</font><br />Syncing data on iOS devices vary greatly depending on the mail and calendar accounts of the user. Here are some tips on wirelessly syncing your personal data such as reminders, contacts, calendars, notes, and bookmarks with your Apple iOS device. read more ...</p>http://expertscolumn.com/content/how-sync-iphone-data-icloud-google-accounts-and-microsoft-exchangeTue, 19 Feb 2013 10:40:01 GMT‘The Secret Door’ uses Google Maps street view to remind us that everything is amazing (and we barely notice)http://rockyshawer.multiply.com/journal/item/7965/7965 <p><font color="Gray">Source: rockyshawer.multiply.com --- Tuesday, February 19, 2013</font><br /><img src="http://venturebeat.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/screen-shot-2013-02-14-at-9-19-43-am.png?w=1024&amp;h=671" & width="150" & height="98" style="margin: 5pt 10px 0px 0px; float: left;" border="1" align="left" alt="" />Everything is amazing and no one notices, comedian Louis CK told Conan O?Brien not too long ago. That?s what is cool about The Secret Door , a passageway to just about anywhere on the face of the earth. On the one hand, it?s incredibly simple. A web page embeds a <b>Google</b> maps street view URL. You click a door that says ?Take me somewhere else.? And <b>Google</b> Maps Street View shows you another place on the planet. On the other hand, it?s simply incredible. A company ? and thousands of volunteers ? ? has built a repository of millions of images, updated frequently, of cities and streets, and mountains all over the world. Not to mention places like Australia?s Great Barrier Reef and Hawaii?s? Hanauma Bay, plus portions of the Amazon rainforest. And with a click of a button you can see the south pole, or China?s Great Wall, or the Ginza district of Tokyo ? or the surface of another planet. Try it here: document.... ...</p>http://rockyshawer.multiply.com/journal/item/7965/7965Tue, 19 Feb 2013 10:04:54 GMTGoogle, Apple's different uses of app buyers' datahttp://www.macsurfer.com/redirr.php?u=763196 <p><font color="Gray">Source: www.macsurfer.com --- Tuesday, February 19, 2013</font><br /> ...</p>http://www.macsurfer.com/redirr.php?u=763196Tue, 19 Feb 2013 09:39:34 GMTSpam Attacks Lead To Google Ban... From Now On All Blogs To Be Approved... We Need Your Understandinghttp://www.forexstreet.net/xn/detail/3252082:BlogPost:458884 <p><font color="Gray">Source: www.forexstreet.net --- Tuesday, February 19, 2013</font><br /><img src="http://api.ning.com:80/files/LuE0p2I1yg87FW5HCbVJra-GU59qSLl6Kfe8SpDxNL5H0LONpJMOt3ijv1R8JpHnSmB8wEa6TsltJO9H1ITZM5J4PWWyk5Er/nospam2x.gif?width=200" & width="150" & height="150" style="margin: 5pt 10px 0px 0px; float: left;" border="1" align="left" alt="" />Hi guys As you all know, we have been suffering the attack from spammers the last 10 days... we have tried everything, IP banning, tighter monitoring, etc.... but sooner or later they find a way in and they spam our community. Today we have been notified by <b>Google</b> that they are removing our site forexstreet.net from their search engine till we stop spam. There is no option left than closing all blog posts and comments to moderation. From now on we will be authorizing all blog posts. We will authorize them all as long as they are not spam, so things won't change but it is possible that it will take a few minutes to be approved and go on-line. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you, but this is the prize we are paying for the recent success of the network. Thanks for your understanding Francesc ...</p>http://www.forexstreet.net/xn/detail/3252082:BlogPost:458884Tue, 19 Feb 2013 09:30:00 GMTGoogle: A Sound Investment?http://seekingalpha.com/article/1201761-google-a-sound-investment?source=feed <p><font color="Gray">Source: seekingalpha.com --- Tuesday, February 19, 2013</font><br />By Capital Traders Group : <b>Google</b>'s ( GOOG ) Q4 performance has been extremely promising. It shattered projected revenues by over 2 billion dollars, produced 12.1% EPS growth and maintained 8% quarter-on-quarter revenue growth. Currently, <b>Google</b> is on the brink of breaking its 52-week high of $791.81. With a price target over $800, it is no surprise that stock holders and future investors have their eyes set on <b>Google</b>. There is strong support for investing in <b>Google</b>, but we must compare it to leading competitors, such as Microsoft ( MSFT ) and Apple ( AAPL ), to see if it is indeed solid investment. (click to enlarge) Name P/E Ratio EPS Growth Estimate <b>Google</b> 24.37 32.21 + 5.30% Apple 10.47 44.11 - 16.70 Microsoft 15.30 1.82 + 28.30% While the three companies are not directly comparable, we can draw some insight from the differences in P/E ratio. <b>Google</b>'s P/E ratio of 24.37 can mean one of two things: they are expecting Complete Story ? ...</p>http://seekingalpha.com/article/1201761-google-a-sound-investment?source=feedTue, 19 Feb 2013 09:23:08 GMTNicolaus Copernicus honoured with Google Doodlehttp://www.trustedreviews.com/news/nicolaus-copernicus-honoured-with-google-doodle <p><font color="Gray">Source: www.trustedreviews.com --- Tuesday, February 19, 2013</font><br /><img src="http://static.trustedreviews.com/94/000026556/f1e9_orh95w140/GoogleDoodleCopernicus.jpg" & width="140" & height="93" style="margin: 5pt 10px 0px 0px; float: left;" border="1" align="left" alt="" /><b>Google</b> has created an animated solar system <b>Google</b> doodle in honour of the Polish astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus, who revolutionised our understanding of the universe. ...</p>http://www.trustedreviews.com/news/nicolaus-copernicus-honoured-with-google-doodleTue, 19 Feb 2013 09:20:00 GMTMicrosoft takes aim at Google Gmailhttp://tech.uk.msn.com/news/microsoft-takes-aim-at-google-gmail-1 <p><font color="Gray">Source: tech.uk.msn.com --- Tuesday, February 19, 2013</font><br /><img src="http://db2.stb.s-msn.com/i/70/2FA7C051159227141554A3E24D2BD2.jpg" & width="150" & height="84" style="margin: 5pt 10px 0px 0px; float: left;" border="1" align="left" alt="" />Microsoft is taking on rival email services including those offered by <b>Google</b>, Yahoo, AOL and other internet service providers ...</p>http://tech.uk.msn.com/news/microsoft-takes-aim-at-google-gmail-1Tue, 19 Feb 2013 09:18:58 GMTGoogle Nexus 7 Essentials Kithttp://www.incipio.com/google-nexus-7-essentials-kit-4805.html <p><font color="Gray">Source: www.incipio.com --- Tuesday, February 19, 2013</font><br /><img src="http://dbky5wl4i40xj.cloudfront.net/media/catalog/product/cache/1/thumbnail/75x75/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/b/c/bcf-023_3.jpg" & width="75" & height="75" style="margin: 5pt 10px 0px 0px; float: left;" border="1" align="left" alt="" />Price: $70.00 Special Price: $20.00 ...</p>http://www.incipio.com/google-nexus-7-essentials-kit-4805.htmlTue, 19 Feb 2013 09:07:05 GMTGoogle Nexus 7 Slim KICKSTAND Foliohttp://www.incipio.com/google-nexus-7-slim-kickstand-folio-3737.html <p><font color="Gray">Source: www.incipio.com --- Tuesday, February 19, 2013</font><br /><img src="http://dbky5wl4i40xj.cloudfront.net/media/catalog/product/cache/1/thumbnail/75x75/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/a/s/as-205a.jpg" & width="75" & height="75" style="margin: 5pt 10px 0px 0px; float: left;" border="1" align="left" alt="" />Price: $39.99 Special Price: $29.99 ...</p>http://www.incipio.com/google-nexus-7-slim-kickstand-folio-3737.htmlTue, 19 Feb 2013 09:07:05 GMTGoogle Works on Retail Storeshttp://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323764804578312530021763450.html?mod=asia_home <p><font color="Gray">Source: online.wsj.com --- Tuesday, February 19, 2013</font><br /><b>Google</b> has been developing plans to launch retail stores in the U.S., said people familiar with the matter, in another sign the company is studying Apple's playbook in building a consumer-electronics brand. ...</p>http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323764804578312530021763450.html?mod=asia_homeTue, 19 Feb 2013 09:02:08 GMTEU data-protection agencies warn of 'repressive action' against Googlehttp://www.thinkdigit.com/Internet/EU-data-protection-agencies-warn-of-repressive-action_13532.html <p><font color="Gray">Source: www.thinkdigit.com --- Tuesday, February 19, 2013</font><br /><b>Google</b> may be slapped with a hefty fine by European Union data-protection agencies after the Internet company failed to meet a deadline that sought an explanation on bringing its privacy policy in lines with the EU guidelines. France?s National Commission for Computing and Civil Liberties, CNIL slammed <b>Google</b> for failing to provide ?any precise and effective? responses to the EU agencies' recommendations. France?s National Commission for Computing and Civil Liberties, CN [...] Read the entire article ...</p>http://www.thinkdigit.com/Internet/EU-data-protection-agencies-warn-of-repressive-action_13532.htmlTue, 19 Feb 2013 08:07:25 GMTEU may take action against Google over privacy policyhttp://www.asiapacificstar.com/index.php/sid/212669581/scat/d805653303cbbba8 <p><font color="Gray">Source: www.asiapacificstar.com --- Tuesday, February 19, 2013</font><br />has said. Since March, <b>Google</b> has been combining data from across its sites to potentially better target adverts - which regulators see as "high risk" to people's privacy. Last ... ...</p>http://www.asiapacificstar.com/index.php/sid/212669581/scat/d805653303cbbba8Tue, 19 Feb 2013 08:06:56 GMTGoogle Doodle illustrates Nicolaus Copernicus’ heliocentric model on his 540th birthdayhttp://www.siliconrepublic.com/new-media/item/31533-google-doodle-illustrates-n <p><font color="Gray">Source: www.siliconrepublic.com --- Tuesday, February 19, 2013</font><br />To mark the 540th birth date of Polish Renaissance mathematician and astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, <b>Google</b> has created an animated doodle on its homepage depicting the solar system as described in his seminal work, De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres). The theories presented in this book turned astronomy on its head in the 16th century. Previously, it was believed that the Earth was the centre of the universe and that other celestial bodies, including the sun, orbited our stationary planet. This idea of geocentrism was first established by the Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle back in the 4th century BC but it was Hellenistic astronomer Claudius Ptolemaeus that refined what became a widely accepted theory from the 2nd century onwards. That was until, of course, De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium , in which Copernicus described the universe in mathematical rather than Aristotelian terms and proposed a heliocentric model wherein the sun was at the centre, orbited by Earth and all other planets. <b>Google</b>?s animated doodle illustrates this heliocentric model showing the known planets of Copernicus? time ? Mercury, Venus, Earth (and its moon), Mars, Jupiter and Saturn (without its rings, which weren?t first observed until much later by Galileo Galilei). Copernicus was born on 19 February 1473 in what was then Royal Prussia in the Kingdom of Poland. De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium w ...</p>http://www.siliconrepublic.com/new-media/item/31533-google-doodle-illustrates-nTue, 19 Feb 2013 07:53:00 GMTGoogle Celebrates Copernicus' 540th Birthday With An Animated Heliocentric Model Doodlehttp://techtree.com.feedsportal.com/c/33242/f/624768/s/28b6a37e/l/0L0Stechtree0N0Ccontent0Cnews0C30A760Cgoogle0Ecelebrates0Ecopernicus0E540Ath0Ebirthday0Eanimated0Eheliocentric0Emodel0Edoodle/story01.htm <p><font color="Gray">Source: www.techtree.com --- Tuesday, February 19, 2013</font><br /><img src="http://img1.techtree.com/sites/default/files/styles/image_width_620_watermark/public/2013/2/doodle-copernicous.jpg" & width="150" & height="83" style="margin: 5pt 10px 0px 0px; float: left;" border="1" align="left" alt="" /><b>Google</b> has paid an interesting homage on its homepage to Polish physician, mathematician, astronomer, and a Renaissance scholar, Nicolaus Copernicus who turns 540 today. He is popular for his heliocentric theory which proves that the Sun, and not the Earth is at the centre of the universe, and the planets revolve around the Sun ? not the other way around. The theory appears in his published work titled De revolutionibus orbium coelestium. The animated doodle features the Sun (the second O in <b>Google</b>'s logo) with planets such as Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn turning around the Sun. Only these planets had been discovered when the theory came into being, as described in his book. Also in the doodle, you can see the Moon revolving around the Earth. For more information about Nicolaus Copernicus, click here . Internet Culture <b>Google</b> n/a Subheading:? Polish Astrologer Nicolaus Copernicus came up with the heliocentric theory proving that the Earth revolves around the Sun. Product:? Internet Brand:? <b>Google</b> No votes yet ...</p>http://techtree.com.feedsportal.com/c/33242/f/624768/s/28b6a37e/l/0L0Stechtree0N0Ccontent0Cnews0C30A760Cgoogle0Ecelebrates0Ecopernicus0E540Ath0Ebirthday0Eanimated0Eheliocentric0Emodel0Edoodle/story01.htmTue, 19 Feb 2013 07:46:20 GMTHangout Using The A-List Throughout Google?s Asian Pop Star Weekhttp://inbound-marketing-sales.com/?p=14300 <p><font color="Gray">Source: inbound-marketing-sales.com --- Tuesday, February 19, 2013</font><br /><img src="http://tctechcrunch2011.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/screen-shot-2013-02-19-at-3-23-27-pm.png?w=100&#038;h=70&#038;crop=1" & width="100" & height="70" style="margin: 5pt 10px 0px 0px; float: left;" border="1" align="left" alt="" /><b>Google</b> introduced today that it?s starting off A-Pop Star Week on March 8. The big event includes <b>Google</b>+ Hangouts with C-, J-, and K-Pop performers (should you havent suspected already, the letters are a symbol of Chinese, Japanese and Korean) including Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, 2PM, flumpool, and Wang Leehom, all whom are actually taking questions about their linked YouTube marketing videos. A celebration calendar is on YouTubes new Asian Pop Funnel, which collects top 20 music videos and new releases. Questions may also be posted on the internet+ using hashtags that?ll be revealed nearer to the big event date. If there?s a specific artist you?re just dying to virtually meet, each taking part star is going to be choosing five participants for his or her Hangout. This is actually the latest inside a roster of eventswith celebs and politicians that Bing is hosting because it seeks to advertise <b>Google</b>+ Hangouts instead of Skype along with other movie chat services. A week ago, Leader Obama took part in a 40-minute group interview with several writers on the internet+ following a Condition from the Union, while V . P . Bidens Fireside Hangout in The month of january was laced with quotes which were nearly as good, if less than as juicy, because the bon mots shipped through the Onions Diamond Joe Biden on Reddit. Around the entertainment side, Hangout participants have incorporated Steven Spielberg and Frederick Gordon-Levitt, alon ...</p>http://inbound-marketing-sales.com/?p=14300Tue, 19 Feb 2013 07:18:33 GMTMicrosoft?s Outlook takes aim at Google?s Gmailhttp://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ArtesiaNews/~3/f4iWoRtTDfs/ <p><font color="Gray">Source: www.artesianews.com --- Tuesday, February 19, 2013</font><br /><img src="http://www.artesianews.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/048415810b01f106290f6a706700669a-Earns Microsoft-70x100.jpeg" & width="70" & height="100" style="margin: 5pt 10px 0px 0px; float: left;" border="1" align="left" alt="" />SAN FRANCISCO (AP) ? Microsoft is so confident it has the Internet's best email service that it is about to spend at least $30 million to send its message across the U.S. ?2013 The Artesia Daily Press / Associated Press ...</p>http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ArtesiaNews/~3/f4iWoRtTDfs/Tue, 19 Feb 2013 07:15:42 GMTEuropean regulators tell Google to get its privacy policy issues sortedhttp://feeds.slashgear.com/~r/slashgear/~3/rdtjnelzSDU/ <p><font color="Gray">Source: www.slashgear.com --- Tuesday, February 19, 2013</font><br /><img src="http://cdn.slashgear.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/google_privacy_policy.jpg" & width="150" & height="90" style="margin: 5pt 10px 0px 0px; float: left;" border="1" align="left" alt="" />Early last year when <b>Google</b> revealed that it would be combining its privacy policy across all its services, many people cried foul, stating that such a move allowed it to gather far too much information about its users. <b>Google</b> contended that the short, simpler privacy policy is something that users prefer, and that having one policy across multiple products and/or services is not uncommon. European regulators quickly jumped on the change, however, and after some back and forth, they still aren?t satisfied with how <b>Google</b> has handled the issue. Earlier today, European regulators announced that they will proceed against the search engine giant over issues with its one-policy-to-rule-them all method. Although the single privacy policy is not against the law, it is being viewed as a high-risk practice, putting users? private information in a vulnerable position. Initially, the French National Commission for Computing and Liberties, more commonly known as CNIL, was pulled in to decide whether the single privacy policy put EU users? data at risk. That same watchdog will once again look into the issue, stating that <b>Google</b> failed to address the problems it had outlined. Said CNIL, ?<b>Google</b> did not provide any precise and effective answers. In this context, the EU data protection authorities are committed to act and continue their investigations. Therefore, they propose to set up a working group, led by the CNIL, in order to coordinate the ...</p>http://feeds.slashgear.com/~r/slashgear/~3/rdtjnelzSDU/Tue, 19 Feb 2013 07:14:38 GMTU. of Oxford Turns Off Google Docshttp://www.insidehighered.com/quicktakes/2013/02/19/u-oxford-turns-google-docs <p><font color="Gray">Source: www.insidehighered.com --- Tuesday, February 19, 2013</font><br />The University of Oxford announced Monday that it is temporarily blocking access to <b>Google</b> Docs, citing a series of "phishing" attacks in which people have used <b>Google</b> Docs to collect e-mail addresses linked to the university's network. A statement from Oxford said: "We appreciate and apologize for the disruption this caused for our users. Nevertheless, we must always think in terms of the overall risk to the university as a whole, and we certainly cannot rule out taking such action again in future, although our thresholds for doing so may be somewhat higher. We are meanwhile investigating several possible technical measures for reducing the risks to the university with less impact on legitimate network usage, and will be reviewing our emergency communications procedures. We will also be pressuring <b>Google</b> that they need to be far more responsive, if not proactive, regarding abuse of their services for criminal activities." ? Ad keywords:? Technology/Administrators Technology/Faculty ...</p>http://www.insidehighered.com/quicktakes/2013/02/19/u-oxford-turns-google-docsTue, 19 Feb 2013 07:00:00 GMT

Source: http://www.rssmicro.com/rss.web?q=Google

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