C Spire on Tuesday announced plans to offer Samsung's Galaxy S III Android smartphone. The much-anticipated handset is due to launch later this year at C Spire retail stores, select retailers nationwide and at www.cspire.com.
C Spire will be the sixth wireless operator to offer the Galaxy S III along with Sprint, Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile and U.S. Cellular. The Galaxy S III is the latest in a line of huge handsets for the small regional carrier, starting with the release of the Apple iPhone 4S back in March.
Samsung's Galaxy S III, which was announced for the U.S. market earlier this month, is the follow-up to the highly successful Samsung Galaxy S II. The device features a 4.8-inch display and a polycarbonate casing. Samsung is positioning the Galaxy S III to be Android's 2012 flagship.
Like Verizon's variant, C Spire's Galaxy S III will feature 4G LTE connectivity for the company's upcoming LTE markets in Mississippi. It will also sport a 1.5 GHz dual-core processor, an 8-megapixel camera, and 16GB of internal?storage. The device will launch with Android 4.0 ICS with TouchWiz 5.0 on top.
Unfortunately, no pricing or precise release information is available from C Spire, though we expect the company to announce those details later this summer. The smartphone will be available in blue and white.
For those interested in this handset, make sure to check out our sister site's Galaxy S III review. It's not exactly the same phone, but close enough. The experience will likely be exactly the same.
C Spire customers: Will you pick up a Galaxy S III when it launches later this year? Or are you waiting it out for the iPhone 5?
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